Own your life.
3 Month online program to realize your potential and live your purpose.
12 weeks among a committed group of men to establish clarity, become a decisive action taker and create the life you want to live.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where he could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; But who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Are you tired of living your life with the brakes on?
I feel you man! I've spent years of my life fighting against myself and limiting my own potential. Maybe you recognize some of these:
Sabotaging and limiting yourself
Sometimes you feel like you are constanlty fighting against yourself. You know what you should be doing to turn your life into the adventure you'd love to experience but can't get yourself to do it. On the other hand there are things you know are sucking up your time and energy that you should be avoiding but you keep going back to your old habits.
Pressure and worries - No time to relax
You constantly worry/hope everything will go wrong/right (hope is just another word for worry), especially the reactions and oppinions of others sometimes stress you out. You would like to just do what ever the hell you want and just go for the things you desire but the fear of what others will think or say about you (rejection, abandonment, etc.) still is limiting your freedom to "ask that woman out", "call that client", "say no to...".
Indecisiveness, overthinking and procrastination
You have a lot of great ideas and probably most of them could really work with great execution but instead of realizing them you spend absurd amounts of time going around in your own mind, feeling stuck and frustrated.
Feeling guilt for not making use of your potential
You know you have so much to give and that you could truly make a difference in this world in your own personal way and it drives you crazy that you are not allowing yourself to actually make use of all this potential.
What if you stopped limiting yourself and started living your purpose?
Imagine you took full ownership for your life and overcame these limitations.
Live with direction and purpose
Feel a deep sense of purpose, connection and joy because you know you are contributing to this world you live in. Knowing your place in this world and giving back to your community is deeply fullfilling and will change the way you percieve your life forever. It will also charge you with an immense energy and drive that will make you jump out of bed in the morning because you can not wait for this new day and the adventure that is awaiting you.
Become a decisive action-taker
Don't just imagine great things and visions, be the one to make them happen. Knowing exactly who you are and what you want and having the courage to act with integrity accordingly to it makes you a magnetic personality and a force of nature that inspires others to join and follow your vision.
Achieve true freedom and independence
Looking inside you will find the freedom and dependence you have been longing for. Not needing the external validation anymore, the opinions and expectations of others have no power over you anymore. You have become a free man. Overflowing with this abundance inside you become attractive for those things/events/people you before wanted so badly to come into your life. Though you won't need them anymore ;)
Enjoy the journey, achieve your goals in a flow-state
Realizing your goals not from a place of pressure constantly worried if things will work out, but instead from a deep knowing that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and all you need to do is to follow your passion, show up and use your gifts. You can be highly effective working in a state of flow, ease and joy. So say goodbye to the pressure that once has pushed you forward and say hello to the magnetic pull of continuously enjoying the path you are on to keep learning and developing while sharing your joy with those around you.
How to make that change once and for all
Step 1
Take ownership of your life
To make any changes in life you need to accept where you are and take responsiblity for your own creation. Where you are today is a reflection of who you were yesterday. You can be very proud for how far you've come and still: If you want to create a life bigger than the one you are living you need to become a match to this vision.
Step 2
Transform yourself and match your vision
Create from the inside out. To realize your vision of life you need to become the man that matches this vision. It only works this way, you can not attract or create something on the outside that you don't embody on the inside.
Live your purpose today, be the man you want to be right now. You don't need to wait to embody truth, courage and integrity in your life.
Step 3
Take alligned action, living your purpose and vision.
Realize your vision through centered and directed action-taking. Combining the active power of your warrior archetype with the clarity and direction of your inner king to embody your purpose and make life your most amazing adventure.
Enjoy the journey of making the impossible possible and realizing your goals in a state of flow and allignement. Not because you have anything to prove, simply because you enjoy contibuting to this world and creating a positive impact.
Ready to face your shadow and access your light?
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
C. G. Jung
This is what the "Own your life" Program
is about
12 Weeks 12 Men 12 Modules of taking ownership, stepping into your power and creating the adventure of your lifetime.
This is not just some "Online course" that you can buy and then half-ass it. I will not let you join if I don't believe you will act on it and change your life through this experience. Here's how we can make sure you will actually go all the way and make the change:
Weekly 90 Min. Group Calls [Zoom]
Experience this journey with your brothers and benefit from the concentrated power and experience of this committed group of men facing their challenges and realizing their potential together. Every week we will check in with each other in a 90 minute live–call to reflect on your grwoth and challenges during the last week and prepare you for the coming one.
1:1 Coaching Sessions
Together we will dive deeper into the exact reasons you might feel stuck, identify where you are limiting yourself and release those blocks together. I will help you identify the bild spots that you can not see by yourself so that you can use them to integrate your shadows and become whole in your integrated and mature masculinity.
The EmpowerMENt Community
During the program we will stay in close contact with each other, not just through the live-calls but also by regularly checkinng in with each other in the EmpowerMENt Community. This will help you to keep your motivation hight, push through the most challenging moments of your transformational journey and stay on track when you otherwise might fall into old habits.
The "Own your life" - Online Course
To make sure you will move into the highest energetic state and not just learn about yourself and what it takes to create lasting change but actually live and embody that change even during the program we have prepared for you: Weekly insight-videos, challenges, embodiment practices, self-reflection journaling questions, meditations and an empowering daily routine.
Your personal accountability partner
To make sure you won't get stuck or fall behind in the program you will have a accountability partner with whom you will share your journey and through mutual support and motivation you will make sure to stay on track.
Whatsapp Support
You will also have the possibility to get in contact with Nils via Whatsapp whenever you feel you need additional support or you have any questions regarding the program, it's contents or your transformational journey.
Module 1-4
Clarity, direction & purpose.
Reconnecting to the power of the mature masculine archetypes.
  • Week 1: The Lover Deepen your relationship with yourself others and life itself. Reingnite your passion & love for life.
  • Week 2: The King Define your kingdom, values and responsibilities to take ownership of your life and create a clear vision.
  • Week 3: The Magician Identify your shadows and wounds, uncover what is holding you back and create potential for growth and transformation.
  • Week 4: The Warrior Step into your power, face your fears and take decisive and directed action to realize your goals.
Module 5-8
Transformation - Power - Flow
Understand, empower and transform yourself. Stop fighting against yourself and learn how to act powerfully without pressure in a state of clarity, flow, and centeredness.
  • Week 5: Parts- & Shadow-Work Take ownership of your wounds and shadows to reclaim conscious leadership over your life. Resolve the internal conflicts that keep your energy stuck and create clarity through inner coherence and congruence.
  • Week 6: Core Confidence, Freedom & Inner Peace Stop running. Realize what it is that is always pushing you forward. Take out the pressure and start enjoying the journey. Become independent from the love, validation and opinions of others and start living and enjoying life on your own terms.
  • Week 7: Conflictablity and Integrity Be able to feel comfortable with setting clear boundaries, sepaking your truth and saying what you (don't) want.
  • Week 8: Decisions & Commitment Learn how to make decisions, trust yourself and your intuition and commit yourself. Overcome the fears that are keeping you stuck so you can finally make full use of all your warrior-energy waiting to be unleashed.
Module 9-12
Integration - Integrity - Action
Take action, live your purpose and actively shape your future into your personal adventure, creating a positive impact in your life and that of those around you.
  • Week 9: The philosophy of the stoics Learn from the ancient greek school of stoic philosophy and the wisdom they handed down to us so we can build upon their legacy, learn to deal with the uncertainty and ups- and downs of life with grace, courage and wisdom.
  • Week 10: A new choice: Embodying your purpose Dedicate yourself to a live serving your purpose and alligned with your values. Feel that you are living your purpose and from now on embody it through your being every. single. day. of your life.
  • Week 11: Clear goals, new habits & action-plan Set yourself clear goals, sustainable habits and action-steps that allow you to stay on track with your mission while enjoying your journey and staying in allignment with your purpose.
  • Week 12: Celebration Ritual & Community Allow yourself to celebrate your courage to transform and reaching a new level in your personal development. Make use of the power of community and staying connected and accountable through the community among brothers.
My story and the "Why" behind the EmpowerMENt–Project
Besides the other men that will be with you on this journey I will be the one you can always turn to during this transformative phase of the next months. I guess you should know a thing or two about where I am coming from so that you can make up your own mind on if you want to trust this guy to support you making your life-vision happen or not.
Hey man, I'm Nils...
...adventurer, partner, father, brother and son And since a couple of years: certified men’s coach and mentor.
Four years ago, menswork jolted me awake, pushing me to stop drifting and start living with purpose. I’d been stuck and focused only on myself, rather than sharing my presence and gifts with others.
I've spent a decade traveling, trying countless methods, therapies, plant medicines, meditation styles, religions, retreats, workshops, seminars and philosophies, all in search of answers and something I couldn't really yet put my finger on. Today I know: I was looking for a feeling of purpose and completion that can only come from truly knowing yourself.
I did all of these things not out of pure curiosity but because I felt empty and desperate, always chasing relief from a nagging sense of incompleteness. Through the pain and self-doubt, I learned much about life. No, I haven’t found a permanent key to happiness, but I’ve discovered ways to live with meaning, joy, and purpose.
I've dropped out of lawschool to become self-employed as a videographer which allowed me to continue travelling the world outside, while I kept exploring the one inside of me. While the lifestyle was great, I still felt like there was something inside me that mattered more to me than what I was doing so far. So in 2023 I decided to make use of my coaching and teacher trainings and transitioned to helping men realize their own vision and live their purpose. I droppped my old business which wasn't easy but not making a living helping other men realize their dreams I know that was the right choice to make.
And this is why I love menswork and business coaching...
I owe a big part of my personal growth to menswork, where I encountered a space of brotherhood and connection among men that was both loving and supportive but at the same time honest, straightforward and direct when it came to holding each other accountable to staying in our integriy and facing our own shadows, those parts none of us likes to see or admit in themselves and still: We all have them and man...does that part of you hold a present for you if you are willing to face it.
This work - menswork - lets me use my pain and struggles to benefit others. There’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing a man realize he’s been holding himself back for all his life and step forward with a genuine "YES" to himself, a "YES" to life. I found that a mission worth dedicating my life to.
After I started working with men I quickly realized how many of them wanted to be free regarding to when they work, where they work, how much money they make and what exactly they do. They wanted to build tehir own business. Since I've been through the struggles of building your own business and I knew that it's a deeply spiritual journey that goes hand in hand with the inner work we do in menswork I decided to make this part of my offering: Empowering other men to show themselves with what they have to share with the world and make a living doing what they love and believe in.
I've been working with Nils for just over a year now in 1:1 realizing my dream of bulding my own business as a music producer. I can say that he didn't just help me to finally monetize my passion and have paying clients but more importantly supported me in enjoying my life again.
Erik Ronneberg
Music Producer - Ronneberg Productions
I had - no joke - spent 4 years working on overcoming my fears of showing myself with my work/business and finally going into sales with it. I work with Nils for a couple of weeks and...wtf...I am finally able to make cold calls! That's a huge breakthrough for me. Next step is that I don't just do it despite the fear but I actually start enjoying it. Looking forward to working on that too Nils ;)
Enrico Wiederholt
CEO of Wiederhold Marketing & Consulting
Nils is a fantastic Coach, I've been working woth him for 6 months and he helped me face my own fears and shadows now I feel in control of my own decisions and action again!
Vincent Doormann
Music Producer - Sonic Wizards
I've been at one of the Retreats and worked 1:1 with Nils on my fear of starting my freelance business. And what can I say...I could finally realize my dream of making a living doing what I love to do. There's still challenges of course but Nils showed me how to see those as opportunities instead of problems. Forever grateful for your support Nils!
Jannis Winkels
Graphic Designer
I've done the 3-month 1:1 transformational program with Nils and not only have I achieved new levels of success on my professional life but more importantly I've understood how self-love and self-worth are tied with each other, how important they are for a fulfilled life and I've made it a priority now in my life to nurture those.
Vincent Wypior
CTO & AI EXPERT - Lexdex
Every man should be able to experience this kind of community, energy and connection that happens at the events, retreats and mencircles that Nils creates and organises. Thank you for bringing this work into the world brother!
Sebastian Köppe
I've been working with Nils for just over a year now in 1:1 realizing my dream of bulding my own business as a music producer. I can say that he didn't just help me to finally monetize my passion and have paying clients but more importantly supported me in enjoying my life again.
Erik Ronneberg
Music Producer - Ronneberg Productions
I had - no joke - spent 4 years working on overcoming my fears of showing myself with my work/business and finally going into sales with it. I work with Nils for a couple of weeks and...wtf...I am finally able to make cold calls! That's a huge breakthrough for me. Next step is that I don't just do it despite the fear but I actually start enjoying it. Looking forward to working on that too Nils ;)
Enrico Wiederholt
CEO of Wiederhold Marketing & Consulting
Nils is a fantastic Coach, I've been working woth him for 6 months and he helped me face my own fears and shadows now I feel in control of my own decisions and action again!
Vincent Doormann
Music Producer - Sonic Wizards
I've been at one of the Retreats and worked 1:1 with Nils on my fear of starting my freelance business. And what can I say...I could finally realize my dream of making a living doing what I love to do. There's still challenges of course but Nils showed me how to see those as opportunities instead of problems. Forever grateful for your support Nils!
Jannis Winkels
Graphic Designer
I've done the 3-month 1:1 transformational program with Nils and not only have I achieved new levels of success on my professional life but more importantly I've understood how self-love and self-worth are tied with each other, how important they are for a fulfilled life and I've made it a priority now in my life to nurture those.
Vincent Wypior
CTO & AI EXPERT - Lexdex
Every man should be able to experience this kind of community, energy and connection that happens at the events, retreats and mencircles that Nils creates and organises. Thank you for bringing this work into the world brother!
Sebastian Köppe
So: Are you and this program a match? 👬
There's a few points you should consider. If some of the points below don't alling with you and your current situation maybe it's not the right moment yet for you to go on this journey.
✔️ It's a match if...
► You are determined to make a change and give all you've got to create the life you want to live.
► You want to make a lasting change and are willing to commit to that.
► You are willing and ready to invest time, energy and money into yourself to realize the life you want to live.
► You're looking to create mental clarity, a clear direction and purpose in your life and a core-confidence that does not depend on the apporoval or achievements on the outside.
► You have understood, that once you change the way you see the world and the way you show up in your life...that's when the outside will start developing to match your new choices, your new self.
Fantastic man, looks like the "Own your life" - Program is a great match for you.
❌ It's not a match if...
► You want some interesting videos to watch and soak up more knowledge but don't want to put things in action.
► You're just looking for a short motivational-high. But there's not really anything you want to change in your life right now.
► Your not willing to invest time, energy and money into yourself and your future.
► You are too busy to invest 3-4 hours per week on cerating the life you want.
► You believe that once your boss, your clients, your partner aka. "the outside" will change, you will finanlly be able to live the life you want and that the "problems" you encoutner have nothing to do with yourself.
Sorry man, seems like this program won't work for you right now.
If it's a match: Now is your moment.
We offer 66% off on this very first round, but there are limited spots.
If you feel like these 3 months with your brothers could be exactly the adventure your soul is calling for, your next steps are: 1. Click the button 2. Fill out a short form And 3. I'll either contact you or you book a call with me straight away and we'll have a conversation to see if this program fits you.
4.8 out of 5 (32 reviews)